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What is a dental implant?

Implants are screws made of titanium that are used in the treatment of missing teeth and placed inside the jawbone. A dental prosthesis is placed on these screws. The advantage of implant treatment over other treatments is that neighboring teeth are not damaged. So the adjacent teeth do not need to be cut. The implant acts as a tooth root and you can eat, talk and laugh like a natural tooth. Dental implant surgery also includes a surgical process that replaces tooth roots with metal, screw-like posts and replaces damaged or missing teeth with artificial teeth that look and function much like real teeth. A dental implant can offer a welcome alternative to poorly fitting dentures or bridges and is therefore more preferable to methods such as traditional bridges.

dental implant?

How Long Does Dental Implant Treatment Take



The length of the dental implant treatment depends on some factors like;

  1. Additional Treatments

  2. Your Healing speed and Habits

  3. Techniques Used on Implant Surgery

How to Prepare For Dental Implants


The preparation steps for dental implants are really important for the surgery to be effective and long-term. These steps are

  • Avoiding alcohol or tobacco 15 days before the operation

  • Taking a better care of oral hygiene as it will affect the surgery and healing

  • Using the antibiotics that your dentist prescribed and using antibacterial mouthwash

  • Fasting for 12 hours before the surgery

  • Planning and preparing your meals according to the guidelines provided by your dentist

  • Arranging the ride home

  • Clearing a few days of your schedule for relaxing, while the procedure is relatively painless, you’ll want a few days to tend to your wounds

Where Can You Get Dental Implants

Dental implants are one of the most popular dental procedures to be made abroad. The main advantage of having this procedure in a country like Turkey is the price. The prices for a dental implant per tooth can change between $1500 to $6000 in countries like the UK, Germany, France and the USA. In Turkey dental implant costs are significantly cheaper than highly-developed countries, and usually covers accommodation, so you can have a sea-side or historical vacation in 5-star hotels along with your dental implants, usually for less money than what you’ll pay for them locally.

The prices are cheap for medical tourists because the exchange rates are very favourable for them.  As countries like Turkey index their prices for their citizens, the prices are far cheaper for people who are from highly-developed countries. In terms of dental implants Turkey has some of the best dental clinics with bleeding-edge technology and highly-skilled dental professionals like dentists and dental surgeons that are experts in latest and greatest techniques. Also, Turkey has some of the most vigorous education for dental professionals in the world. This is why Turkey is considered one of the best destinations for dental and medical tourism.

dental implant

How is implant treatment done?

Detailed examination and x-ray are required before the procedure. Planning is done. Appropriate implants are then placed. It is then covered and left to heal. A recovery period of 3 months is expected. After 3 months, the patient comes back to the clinic, teeth made of porcelain are attached to the implants. With a dental implant, the patient can safely laugh and eat.


An implantation consists of several steps.

If you still have a tooth at the implant site, you should remove it first. R
ecovery after tooth extraction usually takes about 2-3 months. This period can be shortened if the bone condition allows the implant screw to be inserted immediately after tooth extraction.

After local anesthesia, the jawbone is exposed at the point where the implant will be placed in the bone. The implant bed is prepared, the implant is placed, and then the gums are sutured again. As a result, it grows painlessly with the bone, thus forming a solid basis for long-term and stable fixation of the prosthesis. Depending on the condition of the person, the implant will have healed in the jawbone after 3-6 months. The stitches should be removed 7-10 days after the implant is placed. Covering the implant with gums protects the implant from negative stress during the healing phase so it can heal undisturbed.

Within 5-7 days after the healing process, an impression can be taken for the crown in our clinic's own laboratory.

The abutment is then screwed to the implant to which the prosthesis is attached.


  • The doctor begins a full examination of the patient, like any routine and periodic examination. The doctor examines the patient's medical history. This is to ensure that the patient does not have chronic diseases that would prevent them from getting dental implants. Conditions you must meet to be a candidate for dental implants include:

  • Those who have lost one or more teeth and wish to implant an alternative artificial tooth/teeth for cosmetic or medical reasons.

  • The patient who will undergo surgery should not have certain diseases affecting the bones such as diabetes and advanced osteoporosis.

  • The patient who has a dental implant must have sufficient bone density for the implants to be successful. If not, a bone grafting procedure can be followed.

  • The patient's health must be good and protected.

  • The patient who has a dental implant should not suffer from chronic high blood pressure. Should not smoke heavily (those who smoke more than 10 cigarettes per day are considered heavy smokers).

dental implant



Compared to traditional bridges, implants do not require a stump of adjacent teeth to support new teeth. This preserves healthy tooth tissue, which should be damaged in a normal procedure.


Like natural tooth roots, implants direct chewing forces evenly to the jawbone. As with natural teeth, this is stretched during chewing and thus retains its natural shape. However, if this load is missing, the jawbone is gradually retracted, as in classical solutions.


From an aesthetic and functional point of view, implant supported teeth clearly offer the most natural solution. They fit harmoniously into the dental arch and not only fit as tightly as natural teeth, but are indistinguishable from real teeth in terms of function and appearance in everyday life.


The secure hold of the "third party" is another advantage of dental implants. You save patients from the disadvantages of traditional prostheses such as pressure points or poor support. In addition, the palate is not covered with prosthetic material. This not only has a positive effect on pronunciation, but also ensures that the natural sense of taste and enjoyment of eating are not impaired.


For over 40 years, dental implants have provided the opportunity to replace teeth completely and in the long term. They replace one or more lost teeth or securely fix dentures in the mouth. The implant takes over the function of the root of the tooth and thus forms the pillar for the prosthesis.

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